Creative Technology Become First HOLOPLOT Partner in the UK

  • Live Events
12 May, 2022
Creative Technology are proud to announce an official partnership with HOLOPLOT, becoming the first UK Partner of their revolutionary X1 Matrix Array solution.

Following several extremely well-received demonstrations of the mind-blowing audio system to select groups of clients in 2021, Creative Technology were excited to showcase this innovative audio technology to larger audiences last month as part of CTFest22 – an annual in-house event at the company’s headquarters in London, Gatwick.

“It’s hugely exciting to be become the first HOLOPLOT Partner in the UK. HOLOPLOT takes a revolutionary approach to delivering audio for live events and installations which aligns seamlessly with Creative Technology’s mission of using innovative technology to create unforgettable experiences. The flexibility of the system is in my mind unmatched, the control that can be achieved with just one array is astounding.

Our valued clients across all markets have shown a lot of interest in HOLOPLOT after a very successful demo week at our UK offices as a part of CTFest22 last month, as well as numerous demonstrations also having taken place across several of our other global locations including in Northern Europe and the US. As an international technology provider, the ability to add HOLOPLOT to our global inventory is something we are exploring with our audio teams and our clients – watch this space!” – Mark Boden, Head of Audio at Creative Technology UK.

As well as opening new and exciting opportunities for enhanced audio across a multitude of live events, becoming a HOLOPLOT Partner also opens new doors for immersive arenas within the systems integration sector of Creative Technology, with some never seen before projects set to take the industry by storm.

“From our first meetings Creative Technology immediately recognised the potential of our technology and its applications. As the first HOLOPLOT Partner in the UK, Creative Technology will be able to extend their leading role in delivering game changing audio solutions for their clients’ ambitious projects.

The X1 Matrix Array breaks new ground, widening the possibilities for the creation and delivery of transformative audio experiences thanks to the beam forming accuracy and 3D immersive field creation, which will provide multiple solution options across the different market sectors supported by Creative Technology. Very quickly both HOLOPLOT and Creative Technology recognised the opportunity in coming together and like us share the mindset of pushing the boundaries of what is possible in today’s live event environments.” – Ryan Penny, Head of Sales at HOLOPLOT.