Modern Slavery Policy


This statement sets out the steps that the NEP Group has taken to ensure that modern slavery and
human trafficking are not taking place in our business or supply chains. This statement applies to all
companies in the NEP Group unless they have chosen to produce their own statement.

Our Organization’s Structure

NEP Group, Inc. is the parent company of an international group of companies offering a variety of
equipment, services and media solutions to the broadcast and live event industries around the world.
NEP is headquartered in the United States and has offices in more than 24 countries.

Our Policy on Slavery and Human Trafficking

The NEP Group is committed to continuing to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human
trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our anti-slavery policy reflects our
commitment to act ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing
and enforcing effective systems and controls with a view to ensuring that there is no slavery or
human trafficking anywhere in our supply chains. These aims are supported by many of our existing
policies including those relating to ethical conduct and equality and diversity. Indeed, in 2020 NEP
released an update to the NEP Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Policy, NEP Bribery Policy, NEP
Sanctions and Money Laundering Policy and a new NEP Competition Law Policy. Training on these
Policies has been delivered by our Chief Compliance Officer and the compliance team. All of these
Policies were also translated into relevant local languages. Further, in the UK Modern Slavery remains
a topic in our Company Legal and HR Guide in the UK, Spain, Ireland and the Middle East. In addition,
a NEP Whistleblowing Policy, with externally managed anonymous hotline, has been embedded to
allow employees and third parties to anonymously report wrongdoing in complete confidence.
Further, NEP has a succinct Integrity and Compliance Guide which also applies to third parties that we
work with.

Our Supply Chains

The global nature of the NEP Group’s business means that our supply chain is extensive and varied.
Where possible, we use preferred suppliers for both our equipment and services requirements,
carrying out due diligence and seeking to include appropriate contractual terms in supply contracts.

Future Developments

The NEP Group is continuing to develop additional policies, contractual requirements, procedures and
training with a view to eradicating modern slavery in its supply chain. We continue to improve our
due diligence procedures and to raise awareness of modern slavery among our colleagues and
partners. We shall continue to reinforce our business ethics generally, including in respect of bribery
and competition law as part of our Integrity and Compliance Program. In 2022, NEP is expanding its
work on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking by adding the topic to its Integrity and Compliance
Program, ensuring that Regional Business teams are reporting on compliance each year and that any
risk is assessed by the board as part of its annual monitoring. It is also planned to release a Supplier
Code of Conduct generally which will include Modern Slavery as a topic. Furthermore, in 2022 NEP
plans to carry out work with its business in Australia to ensure compliance with Modern Slavery laws.


In the UK, NEP carries on business through NEP UK Limited, Creative Technology Limited, NEP Connect
Limited, Bowtie Television Limited, NEP Broadcast Solutions UK Limited, Outside Broadcasting
Services Limited, Lux Machina Consulting Limited, Halon Entertainment UK Limited, SOS Event
Logistics Limited, Sports Technology Limited, Creative Technology EME Limited, Fletcher London
Limited, NEP UK Film I Limited and NEP UK & Ireland Group Limited

This statement was approved by the Board in May 2022 and signed on its behalf by:
Brian Sullivan, CEO
NEP Group, Inc.